It's really important to us that you are completely happy with your purchase but we also want you to give your best effort to apply the strategies that we teach. We offer a 30-day refund policy for all purchases. To qualify for a refund you must submit proof that you did the work we agreed in your coaching/mastermind sessions and it did not work for you.
In the event that you decide the programme did not work for you, submit a support ticket and let us know you'd like a refund by the 30th day at 11:59pm GMT. You must include evidence that you completed the actions we agreed in your coaching/mastermind sessions. If you request a refund and do not supply evidence that you completed your agreed actions within this period, you will not be granted a refund.
We will not provide a refund more than 30 days after first joining the programme. After 30 days all payments are non-refundable and you are responsible for full payment of any remaining fees. You are free to cancel your membership at the end of your term. The term for each programme is as follows:
- Virtual Academy - 30 days
- VIP Mastermind - 30 days
- Accelerate Business Coaching - 12 months initially, 30 days thereafter
Please note: If you opted for a monthly subscription and you do not request a refund within 30 days, with the required evidence of completing your actions at the time of your refund request, you are required by law to complete the remaining payments of your payment plan.
All refunds are discretionary as determined by Get Real About Business Ltd. To further clarify, we will not provide refunds after the 30th day from your date of purchase and all payments must be made on a timely basis. If payments are not made on time, you agree to pay interest on all past-due sums at a rate of 1.5% per month or the highest rate allowed by law, whichever is greater.